• Mrs. Murphy and Sons Irish Bistro (map)
  • 3905 North Lincoln Avenue
  • Chicago, IL, 60613
  • United States

Buckle in for season finales of NPC and Olympic Shore with special guest Jared McDaris of The Unrehearsed Shakespeare Company.

Come early for our fan mail warm up at 7:45.

October's Special Guest: Jared McDaris

The Cast of Starlight Radio Dreams are: Adam McAleavey, Anna Gaetke, Ansel Burch, Derrick Gaetke, Ellen DeSitter, Kamron Palmer, Kat Evans and Karolyn Blake.

Music: Arne Parrott

Sound Design: Peter Carparelli

Mrs. Murphy and Son's Irish Bistro, our inimitable hosts, have prepared some incredible signature cocktails for the evening as well as the ever popular $10 burger and beer special! Please feel free to come upstairs early to order your food and get a great seat!