Even before we were all trying to distance ourselves, single people the world over were using the power of the internet to connect with new… friends. Our guest for this month, Rose Chantille, is an expert in helping those folks make the best of it. She can help two strangers agree on a coffee shop, talk about their pets and hometowns then get home and back to swiping left again with peak efficiency and success.

 Written and Directed by Kat Evans,Karolyn Blake, Ansel Burch, Jared McDaris and Ben McCauley.
-Music by Sam Locke.
-Featuring the vocal talents of special guest, Pearl Paramadilok along with Ansel Burch, Ben McCauley, Ellen DeSitter, Kamron Palmer, Karolyn Blake, Kat Evans, Jared McDaris and Sam Locke

Sound Design by Ansel Burch. 
Writing assisted by Sarah Bowden.

The season five premiere will still be happening, just very differently. We’re going to use the power of being an internet thing to bring you fresh Starlight no matter where you are. More details to follow on how to watch our live stream on Friday, 3/27 at 8:00 PM CDT. Keep an eye on patreon for the most up to date information on how to watch join in. https://www.patreon.com/StarlightRadioDreams
