What a time to be alive when thousands of people can ignore you all at once and forever. It’s all the rage for our age. Chances are good you’re not reading these words right now thanks to the void we shouted it into. If you’ve ever felt like throwing all of your work into a big black hole in hopes that one or two people will press a button to give you some serotonin, boy is this the comedy short for you!

Written and Directed by Ansel Burch.
Featuring the vocal talents of:
Kat Evans as Voice.
Jared McDaris as OtherVoice.
Arielle Leverett as Marlene and Customer.
Ansel Burch as Artist.

Audio edited by Ansel Burch.
The SRD Theme was written and performed by Arne Parrott.

A mirror ball stands out against a background of gold tone fireworks with the text " Starlight Radio Dreams Presents: Catch Twenty Two Year Dropping the Ball All Over Again. January 28 @ 8PM CT via livestream. www.starlightradiodreams.com/#next-show
